WppServer Documentation by YOUAPI v1.0

WppServer - Send Messages with WhatsApp API

A) Overview - top

WPPSERVER is an unofficial WhatsApp API server, which is a software programming platform created by third parties that allows developers to integrate WhatsApp into their existing applications or systems. This API offers a wide range of features and functionalities, including the ability to send and receive messages, images and documents, obtain user profile information and more.

This API does not use Puppeteer on headless Chrome, nor an Android emulator. It talks directly to WhatsApp websocket servers, thus is quite fast and uses much less memory than those solutions. The API is available in a native binary compiled for the main operating systems, It consumes about 2~8mb of memory and is approximately 20mb in total size, this makes this solution faster and more optimized than other solutions created at the level of interpreted programming languages such as php, node or python.

B) Features - top

API is released with an initial set of features and over time new features are added. This occurs for several reasons, such as resource and time constraints during development, the need to collect user feedback to identify the main demands for new features, or to ensure that the quality of the API is maintained and that new features are added regularly safe and reliable way.

Finished In progress Not started
User authentication route
User management route (get, update, delete etc..)
API KEYs management route
Webhook management route
Sends a text by message
Sends a image by message
Sends a document by message
Sends a audio by message
Sends a video by message
Sends a location message
Sends a sticker message
Sends a template message
Reacts to a message
List subscribed groups
Get Group Invite Link
Gets group information
Changes group name
Changes group photo
Get all contacts
Phone information scraping

C) Prerequisites - top

Supported Operational System:

Supported Database:

Development Packages:


D) Project Structure - top

Folders: Files:

E) CLI commands - top

By default, it will start a REST service using settings from the ".env" file in the root of the project. These are the parameters you can use to change your execution.

Commands: Options for Running:


$ ./wppserver -mode=run -envfile=user/path/file/

Or install and start the server to run the process as a service. Example:

$ ./wppserver -mode=install -envfile=user/path/file/
$ ./wppserver -mode=start

F) Installation - top

The provided software allows users to easily run a WhatsApp API server.

Before running the application, the user needs to customize their configuration preferences, which can be easily done by editing the ".env" file at the root of the project. After defining their configuration preferences, the user can execute the CLI with the appropriate commands to start the REST API server.

There are 2 options for execution:

G) API Usage - top

After starting the server, the user must make a request to the /auth API endpoint, passing the initial email and password defined in the ".env" file to obtain the access_token. Optionally you can create a new user and use your email and password in the authentication route to obtain the access_token.

Then, the user must make a new request to the /device/login API endpoint to obtain and scan the generated QR Code. To do this, it is necessary to open the WhatsApp application on your mobile device and access the "Devices" menu. Then, point the camera of your mobile device to the QR Code extracted from the request payload and wait for the connection confirmation. After connected, the user can start using the WhatsApp API.

API calls should be made with content type json, and parameters sent into the request body, always passing the access_token for authenticating the request.

Check the Swagger API Reference

H) Help and Support - top

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this project. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this project. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the project on Code Canyon, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.

Although not officially supported by WhatsApp, this API allows developers to create customized and innovative solutions for their customers and end users. However, it is important to note that the use of an unofficial API may violate WhatsApp's terms of service.

This code is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by WhatsApp or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This is an independent and unofficial software. Use at your own risk.

Any third party name, trademark, logo or image mentioned, used or referenced in this content are the sole property of their respective owners. Mention or use of such third party names, trademarks, logos or images does not imply affiliation, sponsorship or endorsement by this content or the owner of this content.